Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Authority Essay

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Who are the authority figures in your life? Do you believe they deserve their position? When we meet authoritarian figure how are they acting towards you? Authority is hard to define because there can be different meanings, depending on what authoritarian figure you encounter. In the work of the Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez its plot revolves around the theme of authority. There are many authoritarian figures in Chronicle of a Death Foretold, in which Gabriel Garcia has little regard for in his work. Such as The Bishop who considers the townspeople of Aracataca, Colombia inferior to him. Father Amador a local priest who is more of a fan then a priest. And lastly Colonel Lazaro who forgoes his duty as chief of police. When coming up with an ideal Bishop of the church you think of a man for the people. A religious man who comforts anyone seeking salvation. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold the Bishop thinks highly of himself. When it is known the Bishop is arriving to the village the towns people are ecstatic. But soon to their realization, their hopes are soon crushed. As he arrives to town on his boat he simply waives to the people. Rather than greeting them in person, showing your appreciation for their devotion. He simply waives to the people from his boat to the disbelief of the …show more content…

For he is considered an important central figure in the town. People come to him in their dire needs. In which he was told by Clothilde Armenta, the plot to murder Santiago Nasar he didn’t enact upon it. Once learning the plot to kill Santiago and stopping it from happening. His excitement of the arrival of the Bishop made him expose his fandom. He rushes to the location of the Bishop. Instead of calming down the Vicario twins from killing Santiago or even warning Santiago of his impending doom, he takes his chances at kissing the feet of the

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