Chronic Stress Case Study

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Human beings undergo extensive challenges and demands throughout their lifetime which need adaptive coping techniques. This suggests that life is stressful and it is inevitable to experience stressful moments. Energy imbalance is likely to occur when more energy is consumed than gained hence if such a scenario persists over an extensive period of time, chronic stress occurs (Scraml, Perski, Grossi and Makowa, 2012, p. 70). Chronis stress symptoms have been associated with persistence of energy depletion which include physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion and cognitive difficulties. Key Features of Chronic Stress Chronic stress has negative impact on an individual’s health as well as well-being. It also been associated with increased risk …show more content…

Consequently, individuals with occupational stress are impaired in modulating chronic stress. Chronic stress does not only have cognitive and emotional dysfunction but also have negative impact on academic performance especially amongst adolescents. High chronic stress are expected in a school environment that is highly stressful. Therefore, pressure in achieving high academic goals or workplace objectives are predicated to cause psychological and emotional dysfunction amongst adolescents and individuals at work. Majority of occupational workers who have chronic stress are prone to fatigue, irritability, mistakes, conflicts and experience health issues much more often than workers who are …show more content…

The subjects for the study were high school students’ from two different high schools who accepted to take part in the study in one demographic region. Questionnaires were given in the two different schools by conducting two studies after a two year period interval with students who volunteered to participate. Data was collected and analysed from a sample population of 173 of which 106 were boys and 67 were

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