Christopher Reeve: The Americans With Disabilities Act

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Intro: Christopher Reeve is known for playing superman but, in 1995 he had an accident that led him paralyzed. Also at this time they were trying to pass the Americans With Disabilities Act. So in 1996 he went and spoke at the national Democratic Convention lets see what all he said. First, Reeve begins with talking about family values and how he struggles with knowing what that means.He says that it means WE are all family and WE all have values. Notice how he says we it?s like he means the US. He goes on to talk about how some of our family members are hurting mostly he is meaning people with disability.He proceeds to go on about how we as a nation/family can fix this together because we have family values. Next, Reeve then goes on to say how ? It?s purpose is to give the disabled access not only to buildings but to every opportunity in society.? Here Reeve is talking about why this act is so important he?s basically saying that if we do this people with disabilities can go into every building and do a lot more and as a nation together we can do this. He then goes on to say we don?t need to raise taxes just our expectations. He is saying we need to have hope about how this is gonna work and how this is a great thing to do. …show more content…

He goes on with how in his room he was staying in while in rehab there was a picture of a space shuttle with all the astronauts signatures and at the top it say ?We?ve found nothing is impossible? Reeve goes on to say how that should be our motto and it would be the American motto because one party can?t do this only a nation can do this. He then goes on to say how our dreams seems impossible then they seem improbable and how if we can conquer outer space then we can conquer innerspace

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