Christopher Columbus's Description Of The Discovery Of America, By Daniel Boorstin

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In Columbus’s Description of the Discovery of America written by Christopher Columbus occurs in the time period of 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovers San Salvador. Considering that in the document it states, “They soon saw people naked, and the Admiral went on the shore… was taking, as he in fact took possession of said island for the king and Queen his masters” (Columbus, “Columbus’s Description…”). In this whole document it explains what Columbus first saw when landing on San Salvador and his vivid description of how the natives of the island looked like. Also, he explains the types of things from his home country he gives and shows to the natives and the things the natives show him from their island. In “Paradise Found and Lost” written by Daniel Boorstin, occurs in the time period of 1983, given that is what was published during that year. Throughout this story, it explains how Columbus’s letter gets published and where its being distributed. Also, Boorstin explains how Columbus doesn’t explain to people his failures from his first expedition. It describes Columbus’s three voyages after his first expedition, what direction he sails, and what part of islands his ships reached. Boorstin explains Columbus’s inner turmoil of trying to find China by using from Marco Polo’s book, “He was determined to find signs everywhere that he had …show more content…

The authors were very biased towards Christopher Columbus. The authors are both biased about Columbus, because they are trying to explain what happened when he arrived to San Salvador. The documents explained his first expedition, what he saw, and what he thought about the natives. In both documents, many examples of imagery were used to describe the natives and Columbus’s thoughts about his expedition. Throughout both articles, Columbus’s expedition in San Salvador shows description of what he thinks is Asia but really is a Caribbean

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