Christopher Columbus Legacy Essay

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Christopher Columbus And His Legacy

There is a holiday that we celebrate and that holiday is called Christopher Columbus Day. That holiday is there and was made for us to celebrate and remember what Christopher Columbus did for us. He helped so many people to survive on his way there and so many people thanked him. He was considered a hero to all.

Christopher Columbus went to explore the deep, blue sea for gold in India but instead found a new continent, North America. His journey there bought so many good things to people like encouraging people to discover a lot more. All of this happened because of Columbus. The queen wanted Christopher to go to India because she thought there was a lot …show more content…

He stumbled across some Arawak Indians In North America. He wanted them to be just like Europeans. He was trying to make them all Christian and to follow and be like God. He gave the woman equal rights and the men equal rights. Columbus made the woman work in fields and the men work in mines, but they still had a chance to spend time with their family and enjoy life.

Christopher Columbus was not his actual name. His real name was actually called Cristoforo Colombo, an Italian name, and he was born in Genoa, Italy. He went by that name because it was his American name and so that people could understand it better. There is also a famous rhyme about Christopher Columbus and it goes like this, “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two/the history books all say/Columbus sailed the ocean blue/and discovered America-ya-yay/and discovered America today!”

Columbus did so much for us that they have many streets and cities named after him, and many monuments have been built in his memory and honor. Christopher’s parents were not wealthy when he was a kid. In fact, his parents taught him how to be humble and not spoiled like other people. Columbus also said this, “Riches do not make a man rich, they only make them busier and …show more content…

Christopher Columbus sailed on the ship called the Santa Maria. There was other ships to that were sailed, but that was the main ship that was sailed. Christopher Columbus established the very first Spanish settlement in the New World. Christopher Columbus traveled to England when he was 25. He said he wanted to see the queen.

Christopher Columbus set sail and landed in the Bahamas when he was traveling on October 12, 1994. We also celebrate Columbus Day because of this arrival. He sailed with three ships and with 90 sailors (or crew members) that were with him. The ship that they were on at that time apparently went off coarse and landed them in the Bahamas. Columbus Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1700’s, but it did not become a holiday unit 1906, then it became a state holiday in Colorado. In 1934, it became a federal holiday in the United States.

In 1971, it became a fixed holiday, and it was celebrated on the second day of Monday in October. It also is celebrated in other countries such as Latin America, the Bahamas, Argentina, Spain, Belize and Uruguay. All of these countries have different names for the holiday but celebrate it as the same event and

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