Christopher Columbus Discovered The Americas

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“No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” Christopher Columbus was one of the most important explorers in history. He also was a navigator, colonist, and citizen of the republic of genoa. He completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. He was born in genoa Italy and died May 20, 1506 in Valladolid Spain. He was born in a middle class family in Genoa which is now part of Italy. His father Domenico Columbus was a wool weaver. He had three brothers, named Bartolomeo, Giacomo, Giovanni, Pellegrino, and a sister Bianchinetta. He took a job in 1473 as an apprentice and was a business agent in Genoa for some families. At this time he also visited Chios which was Genoese colony. During the 1470s, Columbus toured places for trading,like Northern Europe and England. And some historical accounts say he spent time in Iceland. In 1479, he met his brother in Lisbon. …show more content…

Well with the background that he discovered the new world in the 12 of October 1492 and went back and forth from Spain to the Americas 3 times. He took natives to become slaves for work. He even caused the disease and destruction of a important culture. But after that event the americas grew fast and strong. When Columbus first discovered the americas the people there were more hunter gatherers. So Columbus brought achievements and innovations of scientists such as Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Aristotle. So without him America wouldn't be as strong as it is today. But a sad truth is without Columbus the Native Americans would not have to work as Slaves. Columbus established the slave trade that dominated the southern states. And he is recorded to have enslaved hundreds of people. Forcing them to work as servants or on plantations. He is even recorded to write “ought to make good and skilled

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