Christopher Boone Character Analysis

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Throughout the novel, the main character Christopher has shown to have many idiosyncrasies, such as loving the color red and judging days by the number of red or yellow cars in a row, with that he needs a parent who can accommodate for all of his needs. Mr. Boone accommodates for Christopher’s needs, while Mrs. Boone forgets to do so or thinks of herself rather than doing so. One of Christopher’s largest idiosyncrasies is that he hates to be touched. His parents have found a way past this since they want to touch their son, his parents spread out their fingers and Christopher will touch his fingers against his parents. When Christopher's dad wants to be close and touch his son “[he] came into [his]room… And then he [holds] up his right hand …show more content…

Boone loves his son dearly, yet he will show his love the way Christopher needs. His mother, on the other hand, doesn’t always do things that Christopher prefers. When she first saw him“[she] put her arms around [him]… And [he]pushed her away because she was grabbing [him]… ‘I’m so sorry Christopher I forgot’” she forgets about her own son’s needs and cares more about hugging Christopher(191). Mrs. Boone loves her son, but she looks past the needs of Christopher and his hate of being touched, she goes and hugs him anyway. Another accommodation that needs to happen for Christopher is for him to be able to use his remarkable math ability. Christopher is really good at math and is capable of the taking the A-level maths. Mr. Boone fights with Christopher's school so that he could take the A level tests, and that “ he wasn’t going to take no for an …show more content…

Boone knows how good Christopher is at maths and he is not going to limit his potential that he knows is inside of him. Along with that, Mr. Boone is willing to fight to get his son the education that he knows he deserves. Mrs. Boone however, does not work as hard to accommodate Christopher's knowledge of maths, she does not see it as an absolute importance. When Christopher brings up that he has to take his maths test and said “ [He has] to go back because [he has] to sit [his] Maths A level…[He has] to go to Swindon with [his mother]” and to this, she just says “It’s only an exam.[Mother] can ring the school. [they] can get it postponed”(202,205). To her it is just a nonimportant maths test that can just be rescheduled, she does not see the importance and the effect it has to Christopher. Every child has preferences and parents try to help work with them, in Christopher’s case there is a large amount of accommodations that need to be met. Christopher needs a parent that can modify their own plans for his. It is shown that Mr. Boone accommodates Christopher's needs constantly, while Mrs. Boone constantly forgets. Mr. Boone is the right parent to accommodate

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