Christians Belief In The Inerrancy Of Scripture

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Christians today disagree on many theological beliefs based on various perspectives and interpretations. There are some key doctrines that cannot be separated from the believer’s belief in the reality of God and the Bible. Without an understanding of the accuracy of the Bible, how can anyone trust anything the Bible says? Separating this doctrine from other Christian theologies is virtually impossible as it provides the basis to Christian faith. Belief in the inerrancy of Scripture ought to be primarily based on the witness of Scriptures just as any other doctrine.
The Bible itself claims inerrancy. If it is infallible, even in the smallest part, then it is a false witness and nothing within it can be trusted. It is vital, therefore, that …show more content…

The answer to this is that the original manuscripts alone were inerrant. Later scribes did make mistakes. This does not change the fact that the Bible is inerrant, but that when fallen man attempts to copy the words of God, he is bound to make mistakes because no man is perfect. However, the original manuscripts themselves were inerrant. Others argue that because the Bible speaks on the failings of man, it is flawed. The Bible is not fallible because it records the sin of men. Instead, accurately portraying events affirms the credibility of the Scriptures. It tells the truth, even when speaking on the sins of great men of faith and showing their sin and struggles. The Bible does not paint people as perfect, or justify what they did. It simply lays out the facts in perfect …show more content…

Every copy of the original manuscripts is tainted by man’s mistakes and error. This is the inevitable result of the depravity of man. But despite that, God’s Word is still trustworthy. It may have the mistakes of man, but as man continues to copy God’s Word, he can fix those man-made errors in the copies. It is not necessary that God protect future copies of his word. He is the original author, however, and in the original manuscripts he created the wording of the Bible and we should strive to mimic that as closely as possible. Inerrancy is necessary to believe the Bible at all. If it was not inspired and breathed out by God, then the original human authors could have made mistakes and twentieth century authors today could fix them, making the Bible under constant revision and beneath the interpretation of man. However, if the Bible is inspired, then it must be completely true because God only speaks the truth. Inspiration and inerrancy are two sides to the same

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