Christian Worldview Summary And Analysis

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Christian worldview and worldviews in general can have an enormous effect on a scholar in many ways. Christian worldview gives the scholar or researcher opinions form a Christian point of view. Banaszewski, (2014), tells us that “Christian worldview is not just one religion but, it is many types of religion throughout the world”. I can personally relate to this as I have had the opportunity to partake and visit many different religious practices while serving in the military. Banaszewski explains, “how not all religions parishioners worship the same or read the same the same doctrine but, they all teach from the Bible and believe that there is a higher plain of existence”. From what I have seen the Bible contains stories that tell us what happened form the past through writing of the disciples. These teachings or written passages can also be looked at form what is happening today. Looking at the Middle East and how they are feuding over land and resources. This dilemma has been going on for hundreds of years. …show more content…

Given the fact that we are doctoral students we should take full advantage of those who are offering their Christian worldviews and worldviews of other who are not Christian followers. It is up to the individual researcher to give their own perspective on the outcomes that lay before them. “All worldviews embrace certain basic or universal principles such as freedom, justice and equality, and good dialogue between different worldviews brings out in greater or lesser degrees their convergence or divergence” (Valk,J., 2012,

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