Christian Themes In The Hobbit

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Christian Themes When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Hobbit, he unintentionally made a huge resemblance to today’s world. The pull of sin on a human is the same as with creatures of Middle Earth. Most of the characters have the same mindset as a human. We all like comfort and power and would do anything to get it. Some of the characters featured in the Hobbit were already succumbed to darkness (sin) in the book just like a lot of humans today. Throughout the context of the book, The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, one may continually see common themes between good and evil. Most of the characters has similarities to the sin that humans have. The main characters and symbols that have the most connection to the theme of Christianity is Gollum, the Ring, and Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a Hobbit, and Hobbits do not like to be uncomfortable. They like food, comfort, and organization, like people. …show more content…

Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or eat: it was a hobbit hole, ad that means comfort.” (The Hobbit pg. 3) Bilbo went on the journey with the dwarves as a burglar. Now bilbo is not just a Baggins he is a Took too, and Tooks are adventurous. Throughout the journey Bilbo starts changing to more comfortable with the prospect of danger. Along the way Bilbo met a dark creature named Gollum. when he met Gollum ha came across a ring and that ring led him to be comfortable with danger because he was invisible. Sometimes people use sin and do sinful thing for the right reason but going and doing a bad way about

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