Christian Religious Education Curriculum

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Matthew 28:18-20 taught by the central protagonist of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, shares the objective of the Christian faith as it pertains to functional Christian ministry and advancing the mobility of the Christian faith within Christian education. This passage of scripture, explains the necessity of being a disciple of Jesus Christ and the spreading of the Gospel both foreign and domestic in the attempts of making more disciples of Jesus Christ. Ultimately disciple making is the major crux of action on the part of the Christian in order to spread the Christian faith and satisfying the command of Jesus Christ.
The word “disciple,” “μαθητεύσατε,” (Aland, Aland, Black, Martini, Metzger, & Wikgren, 1993) within this passage can mean, “to be a follower” (Swanson, 1997) or “to be a pupil, with implication of being an adherent of the teacher.” (Arndt, Danker, & Bauer, 2000). Ultimately a disciple is one who patterns their lives to that of their teacher, whom within the Christian religion is Jesus Christ.
Within the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Jesus is often identified as, “Teacher,” and is seen utilizing a unique pedagogical approach of which ignites life transformation of the individual. The Theological pattern in practice from this type of transformation is that the individual would go back into their social domain in which they reside and make an impact for Jesus Christ in turn igniting sociological transformation. Passages of scripture such as Matthew 16:13-20, Matthew 22:23-44, Mark 12:28-40, Luke 9:18-27, Luke 8:26-39, and Luke 20:1-18 display glimpses of Jesus’ pedagogy as He serves as teacher/facilitator within a dialogue asking probing questions utilizing a Socratic methodol...

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... Lexington, Kentucky.

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