Christian Moral Code

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It has been said that God is not real or God is dead, simply because there is pure evil here on this Earth. With the continuation of evil in this world, people are at a constant battle amongst each other on the reality of God. If God were so pure and good or cared so much, then why does he allow bad things to happen? Wouldn't you think that the perfect almighty God could put a stop to the wicked, cruel, and unpleasant actions in our world. Christians view God as a perfect loving God who sent his only son to Earth to die for our sins, and as their father, christians believe God will take care of them and keep them safe. So, the conflict that clashes together would be the evil in this world and the christian views on God being perfect. Through …show more content…

How do we know what is morally right and morally wrong? You can say most moral codes are based from the Christian moral system like the ten commandments, like do not steal, do not murder, do not disobey your parents etc and then we branch out from those and create more in depth meaning of these moral codes. So if there was no God, what is the point in abiding by these moral codes? Wouldn't you think that if God did not exist, that everything would be permissible? We would not need these moral codes. So God does exist because we have free will to choose our own actions, and we have moral codes that we follow determining what is evil and what is good. If there was no evil at all in the world, we would almost be like robots, fake human beings. You can say things would be perfect, and in the beginning they were intended to be perfect, that is until Eve was deceived by evil, and God took that away from us as punishment. With no evil in this world, how could one be free and have free will, to be able to do what they please to do, or eat what they want to eat, or see who they want to see? The whole point behind this is that God wants to find his true followers. So why do some people who are truly bad people have such a good life, a big house, money, a life with no worry, but people who are so good and go to church struggle so bad? Where is God and why isn't he taking care of his …show more content…

Satan is the ruler of this world, “this is not to say that he rules the world completely; God is still sovereign. But it does mean that God, in his infinite wisdom, has allowed Satan to operate in this world within the boundaries God has set for him. When the Bible says Satan has power over the world, we must remember that God has given him domain over unbelievers only. Believers are no longer under the rule of Satan (Colossians 1:13). Unbelievers, on the other hand, are caught ‘in the snare of the devil’ (2 Timothy 2:26), lie in the ‘power of the evil one’ (1 John 5:19), and are in bondage to Satan (Ephesians 2:2), (Got Questions Ministries). Furthermore, we know that the Devil is a “liar and the father of all lies”, and also a manipulator, he will tempt the weak to follow his agenda and distract the righteous from seeking God any further (John

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