Christian Counseling Research Papers

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Acts 20:35 states, “By this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Pastoral, or Christian, Counseling is a form of giving. It is the giving up of one’s time, compassion, and wisdom to benefit the individual, or individuals, sitting in front of them who have brought their trust upfront, believing they can strengthen their quality of life and more than that, their walk of faith, through professional guidance. By pursuing this career, a follower is ultimately taking his heavenly father’s values to heart and acting upon them. A better understanding of what that looks like, in this sense, can be found by examining the traits that are important …show more content…

First, there is a master's degree to earn, so approximately six years of college at preferably a christian institute or at least one that would encourage faith in your studies, that being the kind of background you would like to take with you into this profession. Once completed, it is time to focus on the world of work. Your job description would be something along the lines of what I Have A Plan Iowa suggests, Christian Counselors speak with and comfort clients, address problems and give suggestions on how they can better cope with tragedies and trying situations, while incorporating the Christian teachings and beliefs. The elements thereof include hope, change, and practice. This leads into your new routine. Tentatively in order, you would start your sessions off by encouraging your client to express what is on their hearts with you, making them feel safe and cared for, while observing how they respond you will collect information about them, but sometimes outside interviews and testing will be needed. After you have a good grip on their mindset, you will begin to counsel your client, assisting them in overcoming dependencies, adjusting to life, or making changes. Then it is your duty to develop, as well as implement, a treatment plan, guiding your client in the process of developing skills and strategies for dealing healthily with their problems. Of course there is documentation, so you do need to handle related paperwork and when that’s done, secure the confidentiality of your client’s records. Yet, in any field of work there will be days that are not like the rest, there will be surprises, and in the world of psychology you may be faced with having to assess clients for the risk of suicide attempts or performing crisis interventions, as well as incorporating spirituality in ways that you might have never been exposed to before. There is a lot going on and

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