Chris Mccandless The Wild Philosopher Essay

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Young Hearted Philosopher Entrapped by other’s expectation of his life and goals, a young man runs away from home to Alaska with minor assistance to create the life he will personally value. He goes by the name of Christopher McCandless, a former successful student who graduated from Emory University, destined by his parents to become a lawyer. Despite the multiple recognitions of achievement and possessing large potentials to become a wealthy American McCandless was not content with his current status. Stuck by the burden of his unaccepting parents for his desires, McCandless ventured off to the wilderness to live a life in contrast to American society as a way of following his own philosophies. The life McCandless created exposed the imperfections …show more content…

The cause of death was starvation by the consumption of expired wild potato seeds. At a glance, critics commented McCandless a naive individual who wandered through dangerous places for pure excitement. This assumption became debatable whether or not Chris McCandless was indifferent from other adventurers like Everett Ruess or Gene Rosellini. Based on the journal McCandless recorded of his adventure, there are numerous evidence that makes him unique from others. His original motive that drove him to leave home was the feud between McCandless and his abusive father whom McCandless was not proud of after the discovery of the double-family relationship. McCandless was not acceptable of his parent’s future plans sought for him, leading to the creation of Alex Supertramp, a man reincarnated to seek a new society. Chris McCandless was not simply an adventurer looking for truth; he was a trekking …show more content…

McCandless was unable to experience life by personal choice as long as his enduring mother continued assisting his violent father. Chris’s younger sister Carine, author of The Wild Truth, proclaimed that although she and Chris had a childhood life greater than an average child, the domestic violence revolved around the household was discomforting to Chris. During Chris’s hitchhike trip, he discussed to his friend Ron Franz that, “So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future” (Krakauer 56-57). McCandless had the life which any American teens would have wished for: wealth, intelligence, and a safe home. Even with all these attributes, the anger that circulated in his home created unrest, testifying the irony of receiving harm within a haven. It is because of this that led to McCandless’s initiate flee to Alaska. During the last weeks of McCandless’s residence in Alaska, he noted that American society could have improved if, “HAPPINESS [is] ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED” (Krakauer 189). If Chris’s parents, Walt

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