Chris Mccandless Materialism

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In a world of stress and lost hope, Chris McCandless departs on a memorable and horrific journey into alaska, but for the majority of his voyage he was known, not as Chris McCandless, but as Alexander Supertramp. The Sole reason he had changed his name to Alexander Supertramp is because his goal is to try to run away from his past and become the person he believed he really was. The question we are asking ourselves is why, Chris McCandless would he leave everything he had to go meandering off into the wilderness? As we've read chris has had enough of everything in his current situation especially relating to his parents and they're materialistic life and for that reason I believe chris just wanted to get away from everything and seek a type of freedom. The famous quote by Christopher McCandless that stated “happiness …show more content…

I don't blame Chris entirely for leaving his current life but no matter how hard we try to shortcut and sweeten things up, we would never be able to escape the inevitable difficulties and for that reason I don't think Chris McCandless had a legitimate reason to leave his life for the plain wilderness. Life comes with up and downs that are inevitable and while most of us clasp the freedom and the ability to make money and spend it indiscriminately, others unravel under the social pressures that are placed on us. Christopher McCandless is a perfect example of that. Settling down and raising a family and providing for that family are high stress based things that we all have to deal with sooner or later. Christopher McCandless totally abandoned that, which in my view is not understandable. There is a saying that nothing in life is free and Christopher McCandless just couldn't come to that

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