Chris Mccandless: A Modern Day Transcendentalist

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Chris McCandless had a thrill for adventure, excitement, and meeting new people. He was top of his class in a good college when he realized the life of conformity wasn't the right fit for him. While many people viewed his as a nutcase, an outcast, or a sociopath, I believe that he was just a modern day Transcendentalist and was simply following his own way of life. One of the most famous transcendentalists during the 1800’s was Ralph Waldo Emerson. In his essay Self Reliance, he reminds his readers to “Trust thyself: Every heart vibrates to that iron string”(186). He is telling his readers to trust what they believe in and not follow what everyone else is saying because every person is unique and has different ideal ways of life and goals in mind. This idea very much relates to the life of Chris McCandless. Like the transcendentalists, he strays away from what society expects of him, follows his own footsteps, is very reserved in nature, and keeps to himself for the most part. These traits of him help to identity him as a modern day transcendentalist. Another author during this time who was very much so involved with the transcendentalist movement was David Thoreau. In Thoreau’s essay, Resistance to Civil Government, he speaks of his belief that the “government that governs best, governs least.” This idea was also very patronized by Chris …show more content…

One of my good friends believes that there is a path that is drawn out for them which they don’t believe in and instead are following their own footsteps and seeing where that takes them in the future. They are a lot like Chris McCandless in how they don’t want to follow the path that society wants them to take and follow the one that, they believe, best fits themselves. This way of thinking and living was very similar to the ideals of transcendentalists during the 1800’s. They would live life separated from society and fight back against the social norms at

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