Chris Brown Research Papers

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Chapter 11 – I’m Really in Love This Time

On June 30, 2005 I realized that Chris Brown was the one for me as soon as he released the debut single “Run It!” I would sit in front of the television mesmerized by him. I could truly say that was the first celebrity crush I had. After this I found myself going Chris Brown crazy and learned just about everything I could about him. I learned a range of things about him like his birthday, his hometown, his parents, and his childhood. Just like every girl who falls in love with a celebrity they are far more up to date than regular fans, I knew just about every song that he came out with and the words to them. In 2009, the day I found out that he was arrested my heart broke. Every young girl who found …show more content…

When I first started, I met him and automatically thought he was the cutest thing ever. After a couple days of flirty, I finally decided to give him my number. We stayed on the phone all the time and texted all day. After about a month or two of texting, he finally asked the big question, “Will you be my girl?” I excitedly said yes because it was my first time being asked to be someone’s girl. About three days later we went on a date to the movies and I decided it was time for him to meet my parents. At the time I had already met his mother because she worked at the Commissary with us. When he entered the house my parents introduced themselves, conversated for a bit, then that was it. Everyone knows that moment when a guy meets the girl’s parents, it’s kind of a big deal, mine was the complete opposite. As I walked in the door from the movie that night, my parents were pretty impressed with him. Then I being nonchalant with situation just sat back and said “Yeah, he’s pretty …show more content…

We went to the movies the weekend before he went back to Huntsville for school and enjoyed ourselves for the last time. When he left for school, I was sad because I wouldn’t see him anymore until about Thanksgiving Break. In order to cope with my sadness I would talk about him to my bestfriend. My best friend knew him because they both graduated from the same high school. One day I was just talking to him and then he said “I heard that he was back with his ex.” My face immediately changed. He then told me the girl’s name and I reached out to her. I asked her was it all true and she said yes they were back together. At that moment we both decided to call each other and discuss the matter. Then we came with the idea to call him, I mute myself and let her ask all the questions and I just sit there and listen with him not knowing I am on the other line. To sum the phone call up, I broke up with that very second and never talked to him again. I wasn’t heartbroken at all because I realized that there are plenty other boys out there and i’ll find someone else one

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