Chinese Cinderella Child Abuse Quotes

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“Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.” — Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. In the novel Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah faces many challenges in her life and shows perseverance. Adeline is very close to failure and is constantly unwanted by her family, but this neglected daughter strives to do her best and perseveres through obstacle after obstacle to find her way. Even though Adeline does succeed at the end of the book, Chinese Cinderella, a true biography by Adeline Yen Mah, is a depressing story in my opinion.
In Chinese Cinderella, Adeline, the main character, faces many examples of child abuse. An example of child abuse in this novel states, “‘Why are you home so early, you sneaky little liar,’... My silence was infuriating her … Her face suffused with rage, she slapped me. I felt dizzy and my ears hummed …” (Mah 102). This quote illustrates the main idea that Niang abuses Adeline instead of disciplining her. This …show more content…

“Nai Nai had fainted and was frothing at the mouth … Nai Nai had died from a massive stroke” (19). Her grandmother’s death is tragic and a significant event Adeline will not cease to forget. Nai Nai’s death is important because she was one of Adeline’s only role models and Adeline had a great bond with Nai Nai. Sadly, later in the text Adeline learns: “Your Father has sent your chauffeur to take you directly to the Buddhist temple. Your grandfather has died” (186). This quote suggests that Ye Ye has died unexpectedly. His death affects Adeline because Ye Ye is the only adult who really protects her, now that Nai Nai is dead and Aunt Baba is not living with Adeline. In summary, in this novel many depressing incidents have occurred to Adeline including the loss of her two dear

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