Children obesity in Kazakhstan an the influence of junk food advertising

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Nowadays, in the busy world, fast foods, snacks, sweets, ready breakfasts, etc., all this junk, easy-ready food industry is influencing on our traditional eating habit. As the result, obesity. A study done by the Center of Disease Control showed that since 1980, one third of adult population has become overweight and according to World Health Organization (WHO), 170 million children under the age of 18 are overweight. The epidemic of the obesity is alarming because not only adolescents, but children too. Increased mortality and heart attacks, blood pressure and another kind of illness could let kids to dissatisfactory life. An obesity range in Kazakhstan has increased from 0.09 to 0.61% (Watson, K., & Roberts, B., 2012). It is analyzed that children obesity has several causes, especially food advertising, which is the most influential. In the present paper, the children obesity in Kazakhstan and the influence of advertising in food marketing will be presented. According to the experts it is possible to stop obesity or prevent obesity by controlling what do your children watch and where do your children eat. The following paper will focus on the task to prove that fast food ads has impactful influence on kids obesity and will suggest possible ways to solve the problem. The practical research part will consist of two sections. First section is questionnaire part, the second is observational part. All practical works will be conducted to Kazakhstani kids, especially to Almaty citizens. There is a certain limitation to have effective work and available data. As it was said before, the first part of practice will conducted with adults and the second part with kids. The data for this paper will be assembled from the questionnaire sur... ... middle of paper ... ...e change in their weight. Finally, the “Magic Bullet” theory was proved. Every viewer gets hundreds of information from Television. The children in this case, get information about unhealthy food. The participants were in age of 12-13 and they were manipulated by ads unconsciously. Kazakhstan is very young country. The future of our country is our young people. Fat, ill young people cannot lead country to success. In average, fit people are 3-4 times productive than fat ones. We must cope with obesity among kids by replacing bad habits with healthy. There must be week of promoting healthy life, competitions etc. The ads of junk food industry must be shown will damage it may have on people`s organism. There must have committee who control the ads very strictly. As the Kazakhstan is developing country, it is possible to investigate money into healthy food sphere.

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