Children With Down Syndrome: Music Analysis

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Children with Down Sydnrome love to communicate. The connections between music and speech sparked the interest of the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee as they conducted a study in a local special education school for children with Down Syndrome. The study focused on the perceptions of music therapy as well as the overall effect therapy sessions had on the communication skills of children with Down Syndrome. Caregivers and teacher assistants completed a survey by rating 29 questions from 1-6. All adults participating in the survey had varying years of experience, but were familiar with the symptoms of Down Syndrome and recognized the strengths and weaknesses of children with the particular disability. Once the questionnaires were completed, music therapists interpreted and compared the data to their own observations and assessments completed during the sessions. The results showed comparable perceptions and a strong correlation between music and communication.
Music shares similar characteristics and elements to speech and language skills. As music is comprised of melodies, rhythm and harmonies, our speech uses a parallel dialogue of tone, pitch and fluency. At a very early age, infants explore musical elements of speech by exchanging vocal noises and imitating sounds and pitch. Many babies are …show more content…

Sequencing words and using syntax have been observed to be an area of difficulty. Often students with Down Syndrome will omit verbs and functional words, making their speech unintelligible to unfamiliar listeners. These impairments are likely a result of the mild to moderate intellectual disability caused by Down Syndrome. Just as we accommodate a child with disabilities in the classroom, music therapists have created an alternative method of communication for children with delays in speech and language

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