Children Of Illegal Immigrants Essay

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Children of illegal immigrants, it’s a controversial topic going on right now. Coming from a home were my mom is born in Mexico, I can relate to this situation. Children of illegal immigrants born in the United States are considered legal U.S. Citizens, this is set by the 14th amendment “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” The law and the government can deport illegal parents but not children born in the United States. Children of illegal immigrants or American-born children are considered U.S. citizens if born in the U.S., the president and many other legal counselors considered this untrue now and our trying to change the law. President Trump promised to make sweeping changes to US immigration policy, including a massive deportation plan, the repeal of DACA, and a wall along the southern US border. The repel of DACA can damage the public trust, and the humanitarian crisis of displacing millions of people. President Trump’s proposals have expressed concerns about the humanitarian crisis of displacing millions of people, as well as the impact such a move would have on the US economy. The Repel of DACA can damage the public trust and would be breaking up families. An enduring barometer …show more content…

These undocumented children are allowed to attend post first and secondary school and graduate from college. But are not allowed to keep pursuing education and attend college. Yes, they are undocumented children and saying they will get a free education ride but they won’t. They are trying to change their lives and become successful. “This wasted talent imposes financial and emotional costs not only on undocumented students themselves, but on the U.S. economy and U.S. society as a whole.” (Gonzales, Roberto G.) These undocumented children should be allowed to keep pursuing their education just like any other

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