Childhood Trauma Paper

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Childhood trauma can have a profound impact on the social development of adults. Childhood trauma victims should be handled with care by social work professionals when they are seeking assistance to resolve disruptions in their life that stem from devastating events of their past. The level of care that this population needs to receive should involve utilization of well-developed practice considerations to ensure problem areas are being appropriately addressed. The presence of physical, psychological, personality, mental health disruptions are compelling area that should be needs to be examined amongst childhood trauma survivors. The in depth inspection of these different areas will reveal how the social development of this population is affected Infurna, Crystal T. Rivers, John Reich, and Alex J. Zautra zone in on the effects of childhood trauma and declines of health. Childhood trauma is associated with premature declines health in midlife and old age due to “less emotional support and more strain in social relationships in adult life” (2015, pg. 1). When childhood trauma goes unresolved or inappropriately resolved, it is triggered during adulthood it has a negative effect on the health of individuals. Utilizing a data from the ASU Live Project, 782 participants participated in the study for 30 days. The conclusion of the study showed that childhood trauma “lead to poorer health in midlife through disturbances in the patterns of everyday life events and responses to those events” (Infurna et al, 2015, p. 17). Child trauma having occurred throughout these participants lives limited their capabilities of social development throughout life because they were more prone to stressors and daily life disturbances throughout Joan P. Dubanoski and Teresa A. Hillier conclude that childhood trauma causes lifetime trauma due to the effect trauma has on the personality of the individual. The personality that a person inhibits from the traumatic experience predisposes them to social awkwardness stemming from childhood conscientiousness or relived experiences in adult life. However, hindrance of poor social development of adults can be combated during childhood when the trauma occurs and it should. Karen A. Kalmakis and Genevieve E. Chandler share how chronic events that plague a child stemming from the child’s family or social environment that cause harm or distress long term (childhood trauma) in Adverse childhood experiences: towards a clear conceptual meaning. Chandler & Kalmarkis share that “exposure to adversity in childhood violates children’s basic human rights” (2013, p. 1497). However, to prevent lifelong combating of scars caused in childhood they believe that promotion of healthy family relationships and paying attention to children will help future problematic occurrences by addressing events fully with the family unit as they

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