Childhood Trauma Definition

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“ACEs not destiny” means to me that just because you have experienced any of the events in the adverse childhood experiences does not mean you are going to fall in the statistical outcomes. This study does not mean that you are going to experience the long term health outcomes. There are people who do not experience the 10 types of childhood trauma who end up with the same long term health outcomes. Anyone can participate in the high – risk behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, smoking cigarettes just to name a few. Not only can behavior be affected by the childhood trauma but health issues can also occur. Health issues such as cancer, depression, and cardiac issues are all related to those who experience childhood trauma. However people …show more content…

Those who do not become a statistic may have a healthy support group outside the home that can help them meet their needs. Groups such as a friend’s family, another family member, a church group all can greatly improve a child’s life and decrease chances for high risk behavior. A child’s developmental niche takes the cultural aspect of a child and how it guides child’s developmental stages. The kind of life that the child has from birth, the parenting style, amount of attention etc all contribute to how a baby develops. In my personal case I received a score of zero, I have experienced zero of the 10 childhood traumas. I have however been experienced some of the possible “ high risk” behaviors, but they are not a part of my everyday life. I also have a genetic disposition for some of the health risks; cancer, heart issues, and alcoholism. My ACEs score and life story is an example of “ACEs not destiny”. I grew up in a nurturing environment; my mother and father were very active in my life. My parents invested time in helping me learn, they encouraged me to excel as a

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