Childhood Stories: Versions of Fairy Tales

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Childhood was a very interesting time of life for me. Through everything that I had gone through growing up, still I always remembered the story tales that had been read to me over the years. Although The Three Little Bears and The Three Little Pigs were different stories, they both contained few similarities as well as many differences. The similarities in these two stories would be the significance of the number three and two characters invading the privacy and territories of unexpected families. Throughout both stories, everything that was happening involved the number three from the number of pigs, to the number of everything in the Bear’s home. The Three Little Pigs had a purpose to leave their mothers home to find their fortunes and to learn to become independent because the mother was no longer able to tend to the pigs any more than she had. The Three Bears already had purposed that they wanted to go pick some berries to make a pie (in some versions) so they stepped out the house to do so. In other versions, the bears left the home to let their fresh bowls of hot porridge cool down. Goldilocks was just wondering through the forest picking wild flowers when she came upon the Bear’s cottage. She didn’t have a purpose for other than what seemed to be invading and taking what didn’t belong to her and being a curious young girl. The wolf had a purpose to have the three pigs for dinner, literally. The Three Little Pigs had purposes to find jobs and to make something of themselves as grown-ups.

In the story of The Three Little Pigs, there was a wolf that had a main purpose and that was to have him a nice dinner with pig on the menu. The wolf would do whatever he could to ensure that his dinner would be a success. He...

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...s boiling hot. The wolf fell in and the pig stewed him up and ate him. In the story of Denslow’s The Three Bears, Goldilocks was called Golden Hair. She had lived with her elderly grandmother. Golden had to do all of the work to take care of her grandmother. (Denslow pg.4) In this story, Golden was aware of the Bears and had wanted to meet them. While she was waiting she decided to tidy up the messy home. The bears came home to find a little girl as well as a very tidy home. They thanked her and asked her to join them for soup instead of porridge. In both of these versions of these same two stories are two completely different endings as well as stories all together. Both of these childhood stories are ones that are in our thoughts as well as our hearts for generations to come. Regardless of their differences or similarities, there will be lessons learned.

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