Childhood Observation Report

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Childhood is the time in our lives when we are carefree and have the rest of our lives in front of us. It's the time when we learn most of life's lessons and our minds develop free of judgement, sponging up any and every experience as a dry canvas soaks up paint. The child in whom I chose to observe is a girl who is around the age of 6 and is just now really starting to discover the joys of life. Watching this innocent, bubbly, happy girl actually took me back to a time in my life I haven't reflected on in many years. It reminded me how amazing it was to have the rest of my life in front of me and how almost all experiences were brand new. My subject and her family were playing in the park down the road from my house on a beautiful spring …show more content…

Her smile produced two dimples and a gap between her two front teeth. She is very thin and almost a bit tall and lanky for her age. She had white Disney sneakers on that lit up when she would run, white and red spotted pants and a pink Minnie Mouse shirt. She played in the park with her parents without a care in the world, seemingly as happy as can be. Being that Sarah was about six years old, her brain is not yet developed enough to understand enough of the world but inexperienced enough that most everything and every experience is brand new to her. Her mind hasn't been exposed to many negative circumstances, from what I observed Sarah hadn't a bad thought in her mind the entire time. At this time or age the brain starts to process the world and store memories. It's the job of the parents to supply the child with good, wholesome, happy memories laying the foundation for a happy life. It made me happy that Sarah had a mother and father to help imprint good memories for her to carry with her through life. I believe it is so important for our youth to have as much time with both mother and father throughout childhood. Each child is born into different circumstances, some good some bad. Sarah has both male and female role models to learn from in preparing her for most of life's obstacles and therefore has quite the …show more content…

She went from being happy and carefree to being mopey, grumpy, and looking quite exhausted. Even though she was tired her urge to keep playing was quite strong. To me it wasn't just fun Sarah was after, her brain was craving development. Like a sponge her brain was soaking up every detail of playtime from fine tuning her motor skills, spending time with her parents, even enjoying nature as it was a perfect day. Nothing lasts forever, this within itself is one of the most important life lessons a child finds hard to grasp on to. Do you remember what it was like to want to play all day not ever wanting the fun to end? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we learn about Newton's third law very early in life. The only thing Sarah had to worry about while playing is playtime ending as the fun can't last forever. I even felt bad for Sarah, she was having so much fun, and I was really enjoying watching her as it brought back many childhood memories of my

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