Childhood Memories in Adrienne Rich's poem, Miracle Ice Cream

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Adrienne Rich's poem entitled "Miracle Ice Cream" is a short, yet thoughtfully penned poem that gives reference to playful and memorable experiences during childhood. The author follows to allude to deeper meaning with a stronger final stanza. Rich's beautiful use of language and brilliant placement of meter adds to the power behind this poem intended to elicit a response from the reader which would help relieve stress from everyday life.

Given that the title of the poem is called "Miracle Ice Cream," one could easily assume that the opening line, "Miracle's truck comes down the little avenue" (line 1), is in reference to an ice cream truck driving along a residential street with the traditional jingle playing all the way. A reader is instantly drawn to visualizing small children joyfully dancing behind, anxious to taste the smooth, rich ice cream. Rich follows by describing a feeling of happiness, but one that you can only feel "with one piece of your heart" (line 4). This statement briefly changes the perception of this scene. It is almost as though the poet is speaking from the...

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