Childhood Education Personal Statement

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I am a senior in the Childhood Education program at St. John’s University. During my time as a student, I have worked as an administrative assistant in the Office of Institutional Research at the university.

Throughout the Childhood Education program, I have met the required hours of observation. During observations, I’ve gained knowledge from master teachers as they instruct their students and manage their classrooms. I have observed grade levels ( K-5) and assisted when called upon to. Per the methods of teaching each subject area and all students, I have observed specific hours dedicated to Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and Special Education inclusion and self-contained classrooms. I have also observed a co-taught class. Each …show more content…

I am an enthusiastic adult learner and a committed life-long learner. I am thrilled to have been able to return to school after raising my family. I look forward to sharing my love of learning, while motivating, guiding and teaching children.

I believe that every child deserves a good, structured, equitable education. Each child should have a safe, stimulating, secure, classroom environment in which to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially. It is my intent to be a teacher that is accessible to all of my students as an educator, a role model, and an adult authority figure that will offer guidance and support of the whole child.

I plan to create an environment conducive to growth by encouraging and facilitating the sharing of ideas, exploration, research, developing students’ problem solving strategies, ensuring that students understand foundational concepts, modeling problem solving, and collaboration via team and group work. I view technology’s role in education as imperative to the skill set I must cultivate within my students to reach their full potential and become contributing members of society and the world, which is my goal. In order to be viable in today’s careers, technology education runs concurrent with any of the subject areas

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