Child Endangerment Case Study

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Social Reform and Child Endangerment Law
The department of children and family services in Any Town USA passed a new policy based on the social learning theory. This new policy insinuates in relation to this theory that children who are exposed to and raised with parents (or other adult guardian) who have documented legal charges including drug use or possession, abuse (neglect) charges, or domestic violence charges (and or convictions) are committing child endangerment. The new policy states that any parent or guardian with pending offenses as indicated will have their children taken from their homes to be placed in the care of state services until the accused guardian or parent can provide documented proof that they are no longer being investigated for any charges for at least six months and have completed all the required programs that they have been ordered to. These programs or classes can include substance use treatment programs, individual counseling, family therapy psychiatric therapy, and parenting classes.
The Social Learning Theory explains that children and adults can learn aggression and violence from observing parents, siblings or friends. As well as being rewarded for aggressive and violent behavior. (Siegel, 2015) This is just one theory that …show more content…

The emotional damage of removing a child would be astronomical considering that the return on a basis of a six month curriculum would do more damage than good. In some circumstances it would be appropriate especially if the abuse was against the child being removed. Another aspect one would have to consider in this is that each person charged with a crime is considered innocent unless convicted. So removing a child on the premise that they are being subjected to violence and aggression is then considered an ethical

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