Child Beauty Pageants Research Paper

715 Words2 Pages

Child Beauty Pageants Win or Lose? Why not let the kids dress up and show out? Let the kids walk across the stage in front of the judge if they want to. Being in beauty pagents gives kids the opportunity to experience sportsmanship. It also gives them the chance to build their self confidence. But more importantly it gives them time in front of a crowd, which could help them later on in life. Being in beauty pageants should not overall be a horrifying expirience for children. Child beauty pagents teaches kids good sportsmanship. A lot of kids these days don't get the opportunity to experience a good competition. But beauty pageants are a great way to have a friendly competition with other children. Children nowadays don't taught some lessons they will need later on in life. Beauty pageants offer a great deal of ways to show sportsmanship. While not all childern are good sports about winning or losing, some are. Sportsmanship is a characteristic that will definatly be needed later on in life, to help the children grow more happily. They could also help young children to build their self confidence. Being in front of a large crowd with people that are cheering the children on as the announcer calls the childs name could really help the kid Having the exposure to a large crowd at a young age helps the child be more comfortable in front of a number of people. Which in time could help the child in school, or in other social events. Including making speeches in school infront of their peers, to public events , and also sports . It teaches them to be more comfortable and confident with themselves with more people than just their parents or family. Having the time to practice public speech or just public apperance at an early age in general has proven to do a number on the kids that lack in the area of confidence, like helping them better prepare for later life

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