Child Abuse Outline

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I. Introduction
A. I believe that having a way to permanently remove child abuse and neglect is with long lasting programs.
B. There are many different programs that a child can go to if needed, but there are not any programs that help permanently remove child abuse and neglect; the plan a program that focus on the education, prevention, intervention, and treatment is a dire need.
II. What is abuse and neglect in a child?
A. What is abuse of a child and how does it affect the child?
1. Child Abuse is any inflicting physical injury, sexual act, or mental disorder that a parent does to a child.
2. Child abuse can cause the child to have a physical and mental side effect to the child.
3. For example, the child can have anxiety, depression, and many …show more content…

What cause parents to abuse and or neglect their child?
1. Parents might be going through a stressful situation compare to loss of job or not enough money to support everyone needs.
2. They might be a single parent that cannot handle the pressure.
3. Parents might have been abuse or neglect furthermore continuing the cycle of abuse or neglect.
D. How society handles the situation of child’s abuse and neglect?
1. Society handles child’s abuse and neglect by taking the children to social services.
2. Schools are not providing enough resources to find child’s abuse in their school.
3. Sadly, society does not provide programs for the child or the parent to improve their life.
III. How can a person use program to permanently remove abuse and neglect for a child?
A. How can schools and business can get involved in stopping child abuse and neglect?
1. School provide counseling once a year, so students can have someone trustworthy to talk to about home life.
2. High schoolers can provide a class about how to raise a family, and learn more about the reasonability of a parent.
3. Make business watch videos on child’s abuse and neglect. In addition, have a discussion about how to watch and stop child’s abuse and

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