Child Abuse Essay

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Kaleb Prudhomme 5/3/2014 Paper Health Child abuse is a terrible thing to do to a child. If there was no child abuse there would be more kids on the earth. I seriously am not ready to be a parent yet. My baby died on the first day which was completely an accident but still a tragedy. When I am an adult and I have a child I am not going to abuse my child. It is sad that people do child abuse to their children I mean babies are so innocent. Why doesn’t abortion count as child abuse it’s still alive and they are still killing the baby. Child abuse should be illegal in not just America but in the world. It is just sad to think how many kids die of child abuse. The more serious acts of child abuse can end in death. The survivors can end up with emotional scars that can last long after the burses heal. The kids that have gotten abused are more than likely to have a hard time maintain relationships. Many of these kids have low self-esteem, depression, thoughts of suicide, and other mental problems. Shaken baby syndrome is a specific form of child abuse or even regular abuse. It’s the leading cause of death in the U.S. Just a few seconds of shaking is enough for major brain damage or even death. A few examples of physical child abuse are holing a child underwater, tying a child up, intently burning a child or scolding them with hot water, throwing an object at a child or using an object to beat a child with, starving a child or failing to provide a child with food. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that has negative effects on a child's emotional development and sense of self-worth. Ignoring a child or withholding love, support, guidance, threatening, terrorizing, belittling, or constantly criticizing a child is all considered e... ... middle of paper ... ... a mess. Your hands were sticky your face had syrup all over. You even had syrup on your forehead I don’t know how you even did that. I just wish I could have token you to your first day of school. I remember the first time I changed your pamper I opened it and you peed all over me and on top of that I was wearing my favorite shirt. We are just driving memory lane here. My joys of having you were that your first word was dada. I was just rubbing it in your moms face. I remember your first friends you made at the playground your aunt didn’t have a lot of luck with making friends. At school your aunt’s so called friends would put their backpacks in her way so she couldn’t sit next to them. When my classmates and I would bring our babies to math class the first time she would go along with the story and say welcome parents. It was fun having you.

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