Child Abuse And Neglect Essay

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Millions of children are traumatized by child abuse every year, abuse like emotional, physical, neglect, and sexual. The abusers could be anyone of the people that live in the house, from the caregiver, a mother, father, brother, sister, or even themselves.
Child abuse and neglect, are they the same or are they different? Child abuse is defined as physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child, as for neglect it is defined as given little attention or no respect to (Child Welfare Information Gateway). Both of those words are still defined as abuse to the child, the different types of child abuse has different effects on children and adults. Also, child abuse affects a child mentally, emotionally, and physically. When a child is mentally unstable it's hard to trust anyone, it would be hard to be in a relationship because the abused can't trust their partner in fear of getting abused and controlled again. When the abuser says rude and hurtful things like "you're stupid" or "you're worthless" it makes them believe what the abuser is saying, it makes them when they are older not to try and to just give up when it can't be done (Child Abuse & Neglect: Recognizing the Signs and Making a Difference). …show more content…

Although discipline is sometimes physical it doesn’t mean it is meant for hurting children, put a child in the corner for pushing another child that's discipline (Your Dictionary). An example of physical abuse would be any type of burn, bruise, or broken bone (Child Abuse & Neglect: Recognizing the Signs and Making a Difference). When it comes to abuse and all the consequences that come with it, why do it? When child abuse is reported the parents can lose their rights as parents, be on the roster of sexual abuse towards children (Child Abuse Penalties and Sentencing-

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