Chief Bromden's Role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey, is an unforgettable novel about the lifestyle and journeys of patients in a mental facility. Although all of the main characters contribute distinct attributes to the story, Chief Bromden contributes the most. The author speaks through Chief instilling his beliefs on his readers. In Kesey’s novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the narrator, Chief Bromden, portrays Kesey’s views on society and insanity by filling the role of the ego, showing that society’s expectations and pressures are the main cause of mental instability.
Chief is the perfect character for Kesey to voice his personal opinions from because Chief is the narrator. Since the movie did not need a narrator, Chief took a backseat in the film. He was more like a sidekick because viewers could not tell his thoughts and feelings. Due to this, Kesey’s view is lost in the movie. Although there are differences between the two, in both the movie and the novel Chief pretends to be deaf and dumb. This is how he gleans information from the hospital staff. They are not afraid to tal...

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