Chet Faker Analysis

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Gooey by Glass Animals Liner Notes: Pride: burst of insanity/clarity by Chet Faker Liner Notes: Pride is known as the father, thus deadliest, of all sin. It is the excessive belief in one's own abilities. Another term for Pride is Vanity. Burst of insanity/clarity by Chet Faker is an electronic track throughout which a person is asking themselves whether a certain woman will leave the man, or if she loves him. The title of the song could imply that these questions have been gnawing at their mind for a while, and now they have suddenly had an epiphany about the answers to such questions. In correlation to my own life, I have witnessed the exact same experience as I watched from the sidelines. Issues have come ashore in the life of …show more content…

The virtue of humility means humbleness. It means recognizing other people’s qualities, particularly those that surpass one's own, and giving acknowledgement to said people. Cleopold’s Down in Flames is about a person expressing their feelings to someone they have been pining over for what seems to be a long time. They hesitantly question whether it is time to give up on trying to be with them. They tell their muse to stop potentially teasing them in order to address the situation. At multiple instances, they imply that they have been or would sacrifice themselves for the person due to their endless devotion. I have had multiple experiences where I feel strongly about certain prospect, but fear if I mention it, I will damage a relationship I have. There have been times when they end up bringing it up, and I feel silly for having doubts in myself for such petty things. Other times I manage to take initiative in expressing my feelings and their reactions are nowhere near as bad as I would envision. …show more content…

It always helps to restore my self confidence when I am in moments of doubt, regardless of other people’s opinions. I aspire to have the motivation that she has in her everyday life in my future. Greed: Terms And Conditions Liner Notes: Greed, also known as avarice, cupidity, and covetousness, is similar to lust and gluttony. It is based on desire. However, it is seen as a more artificial and rapacious desire, typically when aiming for materialistic possession. It is when one’s addiction drives them to pursue an more than one needs, reaching excessive measures at some points. In Chet Faker’s Terms And Conditions, the speaker deals with a greedy woman who fooled him into thinking she loved them, only to come to his senses far too late. This would be the most accurate insight for what I have been witnessing from the other side of the relationship I mentioned in the sin of Pride. The “deceit laced with flattery” stems from a purpose of pure greed and dependency. Sadly, he will most likely come to his senses once he has lost everything, due to his own greed and pride. Charity: Idioteque by

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