Chemistry In Astronomy

529 Words2 Pages

Our knowledge of chemistry, and the many ways that it surrounds us has helped us better understand the world we live in and the ways in which we can use chemistry to better our world, and improve our exploration of it.
Chemistry in Astronomy: Although it may not seem like there is much use of chemistry in the world of astronomy, knowing that everything is made of the elements in one form or another, astronomy must have some use of chemicals, and surprisingly there are many. For starters what powers the International Space Station? Solar panels, and many of them. The solar panels found on the space station are made of silicon, a direct element from the periodic table, as well as phosphorus, another element. Through bonding and breaking apart these elements, the solar panels are able to harness the sun’s energy, transport it, and then with the help of a generator, create electricity that can be used by the space station operators.
Another example of chemistry being directly linked to astronomy, and astronomical studies is through molecular clouds. Molecular clouds are formed of cert...

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