Cheating in School

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Growing up, I was a bit of a nerd. I enjoyed learning. History was my favorite subject so I always paid close attention. We used to play a game in class that was similar to Jeopardy. Our teacher allowed us to take notes that we could use during the game. My teammates knew that my notes would be extensive so they would simply rely on mine and not even bother taking any. This infuriated me. How is this fair? Why are they getting credit for all of my hard work?
Cheating is not only unfair to the student cheating, it also affects the student they are cheating off of. Some students put a lot of effort into their work and when people cheat, it may make honest students feel like their work is undervalued. This may make them feel like there is no point in working hard to earn the education they deserve. Students are devaluing the hard work of others and themselves. Cheating shows a lack of integrity in that student. They have cruised through life never really learning anything. Some may cheat their way through high school, then college, and eventually cheat through life. This could eventual...

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