Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

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Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre The novel that I'm studying is called Jane Eyre. It's written by a famous writer called Charlotte Bronte. The novel is about a girl called Jane Eyre who is living with her uncle who is called Mr.Brocklehurst. She is living with him because her parents are dead. She is treated very ruthlessly and brutally by the family and she hates it so much. She is later sent to an Institution called Lowood which is owned by Mr.Brocklehurst in which she is also treated cruelly. However she manages to find herself a friend called Helen, who is suffering from cancer which Jane doesn't know about until later on in the story. We later on find out the harsh conditions that the children are living in and how Jane is treated by Mr. Brocklehurst as we progress through the story. In chapter 7 Charlotte Bronte reveals the harsh conditions at Lowood School (She reveals the characters backgrounds in depth). The younger students experienced a more difficult life than the older ones because usually the older students coaxed or menaced the little ones out of their portion or they would deny the chance of any little girl going next to the fire as they would immediately surround the fire in a double row. The clothing they wore in the cold weather was not appropriate as they did not have gloves, boots or thick clothes. They would not get proper meals and if they made a mistake they would be punished severely. Helen who is a timid girl, gets told off regularly for tiny mistakes she makes even though she's ill. There is no favouritism or sympathy in Lowood by any of the teachers apart from one teacher called Miss Temple, who has a hea... ... middle of paper ... die. Charlotte's both sisters died from Tuberculosis and they went through harshness and cruelty because their mother died and their father was uncommunicative. Charlotte describes the harsh conditions at Lowood and also includes that Helen is dying from tuberculosis and this is what she experienced in her life when her two sisters died from Tuberculosis. Charlotte Bronte uses very effective words in conveying the conditions at Lowood. The reader is drawn in the scene and the characters she describes give us the clear understanding of what their personality is like e.g. Mr. Brocklehurst is a very tough and stubborn man, so Charlotte uses a phrase, "a black column", to describe him. Her themes are based on real life as to what the conditions in the Victorian Era were, and what she has been through in real life.

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