Charlie In Daniel Keyes Flowers For Algernon

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Imagine a world where intelligence is not limited, but is open to change. The short story, “Flowers For Algernon” by Daniel Keyes, is a tale about a learning delayed adult named Charlie Gordon, who is given the opportunity to increase his intelligence via an operation. It is through this character’s journey of intellectual development that one is able to see the awesome burden it is to be given a second chance to change oneself. Despite any positive outcomes associated with the surgery, Charlie is better off in his life before the operation with his natural IQ of 68. Without the surgery, Charle is blissfully unaware that the society he loves does not love him. Furthermore, Charlie does not experience loneliness or the pain of losing a job because …show more content…

Charlie is blissfully unaware that the society he loves does not love him. After the operation, Charlie becomes vividly aware that there is more to his “friends” then he thinks. Charlie remarks,“It’s a funny thing, I never knew that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around all the time to make fun of me” (323). As a result of Charlie’s increasing intelligence, he becomes aware that his friends are laughing at him not with him. Prior to the operation, Charlie is at peace with his friends. This peace and happiness makes up for Charlie’s low IQ, and shows how much better Charlie’s life was before the surgery. Additionally, due to Charlie’s 68 IQ, he is never lonely. Before Charlie’s intelligence increases, he is surrounded by people that make him happy. “my friends from the factory Joe Carp and Frank Reilly invited me to go with them to Muggsys salon for some drinks… I had a good time” (318). After Charlie experiences the effects of the operation, he is so smart that his friends do not understand him. For this reason they do not invite Charlie to the bar anymore or interact with him at all. Because of Charlie’s obliviousness former to the surgery, he does not undergo the feeling of loneliness. Therefore, Charlie is better off with his untouched IQ of 68. Although many believe that with an outstanding IQ of 204 Charlie would have many better job openings, this is not the case.

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