Charlie Chaplin's Life In The Life Of Charlie Chaplin

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Charlie Chaplin “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” This was one of the most famous quotes from Charlie Chaplin who became the celebrated superstar from the silent film era. He fulfilled this quote as his acting and directing career spanned over 75 years. He made his debut early on in his childhood and worked up until the day before he died at age 88. He is best remembered for role as the silly and loveable Little Tramp Chaplin was born April 16, 1889, in London, England. He was born to Charles Chaplin and Hanna Harriette Hill, who both worked as entertainers at The Music Hall. His father was a notorious drinker and abandoned Chaplin, his mother, and his half brother, Sydney, not long after Charlies’s birth. After he left, his mother suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted temporarily to an asylum. Chaplin and his brother had been left behind in the workhouse at Lambeth and stayed there for several weeks before moving to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died when he was twelve from alcohol abuse and his mother died in 1928, two years after coming to the United States to live with Chaplin who was successful by that time.His childhood was marked with tragedy. Chaplin followed in both of his parent’s footsteps and he first took …show more content…

He provided them with pleasure, relief and laughter when the people needed it most. He continues to appear in classrooms and theaters today. Sadly, Chaplin died early Christmas day in 1977. He is said to have died from a stroke in his sleep. Chaplin will be remembered as one of the greatest filmmakers of American cinema. He is often referred to as the Little Tramp, a character who walked goofy, wore a bowler hat, had a bamboo cane, and had a toothbrush mustache upon his face. Furthermore, he is known for his Academy Award Winning films that are still recognized as classics

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