Charles Dickens Research Paper

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Many people ask, “who was the greatest English writer in the 19th century?” An abundance of people would agree that Charles Dickens was indeed the greatest English writer of the 19th century Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, England, over the course of his extraordinary writing career, Charles wrote many beloved novels. A few of Dickens’ beloved novels includes, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, and A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens’ writing career began in 1836, with the serial publication of The Pickwick Papers. Dickens was known and loved for his use of humor, satire, and his major observation of characters and society. In the novel A Tale of Two Cities Dickens takes the reader on a literary adventure …show more content…

One of example of a remarkable quote in A Tale of Two Cities is on the very first page of the novel it reads, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…” (Dickens 1) Many people consider the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities to be one of the most memorable in all of English literature. Dickens’ mindset is to throw you right into the story by giving one tremendously detailed sentence describing the deep integrity of the novel. Dickens also tries to get the reader connected to the characters you're reading about, that you actually begin to feel sympathy for the characters, and the harsh and treacherous conditions they feel throughout the French Revolution. One brief example would be how the narrator of A Tale of Two Cities is omniscient and not only shows his emotions and his thoughts on the characters, but also provides historical context to the events that occur during the …show more content…

For example, The year 1812, and the year Charles was born, the war of 1812 between England and the United States began on June 18, 1812. The war of 1812 lasted approximately 3 years with the U.S. coming out on top, and trumping over Britain. Six years later Napoleon died due to a stomach ulcer. After an astonishing 12 years, the First Reform Act of 1832 was enacted. The First Reform act was a parliament passing a law changing the Britain electoral system. This was a response to many years of people criticizing the electoral system as unfair. The First Reform Act relates to Charles Dickens work, because in Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist, the First Reform act was inserted throughout the novel in various situations. With my opinion over the historical event, the First Reform act, I believe that it has dramatically changed over the years, because in 1867 the Second Reform act was enacted changing the system

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