Characters In Nervous Conditions By Tsitsi Dangarembga

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Nervous conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga is rich in contrasts like different settings and financial status, which the writer uses to portray the characters and their different perspectives. The impact of these contrasts are so extreme that the characters become so very different from each other, which will be discussed further in the essay.

Education and illiteracy are one pair of contrasts that are depicted in the novel. This contrast is one of the reasons why characters like Babamukuru and Jeremiah act so differently. As Babamukuru has the opportunity to be educated, he knows his duty to fund the education of unlucky people like Tambu. However, illiteracy molds people like Jeremiah and Takesure to be ignorant about the importance of working. …show more content…

The mission school and England provides a conducive environment as it has an “exotic library” that a student like Tambu needs for extensive reading. Besides this, and an equally important factor of the mission is good influence (Nyasha) and supervision (Babamukuru and Maiguru). Good hygiene and good food is also as important as studying because without health, one wouldn't do anything. The homestead however has everything that is not suitable for the student to study like Jeremiah’s bad influence and lack of facilities, good food and hygiene. Besides, Tambu would also have to help her mother in doing manual work if she has stayed in the homestead. Distance is also a problem as it is quite a long way from the homestead to the mission school.

Rhodesia, as well, is very different from England. Unlike England, girls in Rhodesia do not wear open dresses and they do not talk back against their parents. However, Nyasha, in spite of being an African acts like an English girl by wearing open dresses and rebels against her father. Besides how they act or wear, Rhodesia represents illiteracy, ignorance and poverty while England represents wealth and education. These two countries are reflected on the characters and circumstances of Tambu and Nyasha.

One’s present condition is due to their circumstances and actions. From the use of these contrasts, Tsitsi Dangarembga has successfully provided

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