Characters And Morality In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

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Pride and prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austen during the early 1800s. The novel mainly focused on the reality of what went on during that time with women. Throughout the novel we are able to see many of Jane’s moral visions and where she stands in life based on her moral judgement. Interestingly, Jane writes her novels solely from her experiences. Her characters are representations of the people around her, and by reading about them we can see what it was like to live their lives.
As a woman, Jane Austen provides us with a compass of morality. She shows us how we are supposed to live and act as women of the middle class. Although now it may seem outdated, we can still see the direction that she was headed and it can still play a role in our lives today. She shows us how to work through certain moral problems and that there is always room for improvement. “Her novels analyze and teach virtue ethics for bourgeoisie life, the kind of life that most of us live today.”( ) …show more content…

Women would get married more for stability or income status than for love. In the novel all their mother wanted was for the girls to get married so that they will be provided for no matter the ethical or moral values of the man. Lydia ends up eloping with Wickham and even though her mother did not think he was a great proper man, she was just glad that Lydia was married so that people would not look at her as “lower” because she couldn’t find a

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