Characteristics Of The Mixtecs

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Throughout history, there are many different indigenous groups that existed. However, not all groups are well known. Some groups were able to expand and become an empire such as the Maya, Aztecs and the Incas. One of the groups that the Aztecs took over is the Mixtec. The Mixtec was well established in areas such as civilization. Their civilizations is comparable to the Aztecs who is known to be innovated in civilization. The Mixtec has their own writing system to record dates and events. Many groups were not able to stand out compared to well-known groups. With the conquering if each other for power, violence breaks out that causes people to be brutally hurt and death. However, many group soon fall after the colonizers of the Spaniards. Despite …show more content…

They have a large collection of relics, pottery, and etc. demonstrated their presence of origins long before Columbus’s conquest. There was a possibility that their large collection that they have is influenced by the Olmec. However, their culture became well-known more than their rivals such as the Zapotec. However, Zapotec was taken over by Mixtec for a short amount of time before the Zapotec formed an alliance with the Aztec. Their craftsmanship on paintings, wood, metals, and pottery were very detailed and elaborate. Some craftsmanship such as embroidered huipiles, which are women’s blouses and dresses. The Mixtec civilization was just as brilliant as the Aztec were. Some main crops that they grew contains corn, beans, tomatoes, and squash. The Mixtec had many values and beliefs such as believing that all objects, living or not, has a spiritual energy. Thy believed in worshiping the death, life, and afterlife. Sometimes blood is used as sacrifice as a gift to gods, including rituals done with dances consisting human or animal hearts or fire ceremonies. Mixtec language consists of tones resulting different meaning depending on the tones and constant of the words of how the word is pronounced. The written manuscript consisted of signs and pictures used to record events and dates of people’s everyday lives. Mixtec calendar consisted of 260 days with the …show more content…

This figure was made between 1374-1521 CE by the Mixteca/Tlaxcala at Puebla, Mexico. This figure is made up of basalt rock. The description card that was provided by the museum tells me about this piece is that it represents an Aztec rain god from Central Mexico. The eyes symbolized water and the fangs, jaguar-like, represents thunder and lightning. Therefore, the characteristic represents life, sometimes wrathful deity. This figure suggests that it could represent Tlaloque, one of the rain gods that served Tlaloc. This god is said to have the power to control the weather. Therefore, it is important for Aztec’s agriculture. These sculptures are placed all over the fields or in a spring for the Tlaloc’s blessing to rain to harvest goods. Just looking at it, I cannot tell what the purpose it served. The sculpture does not seem to be telling a story. There are still unanswered questions and mysteries about it. Why did they create a rain god? Why did they believe that the rain god affects the weather? Is it a

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