Characteristics Of The Greatest President Essay

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There have been 43 Presidents of the United States, but they are not all equal. There are certain presidents that outrank other ones, especially the top ten best presidents this country has ever seen. According to The Wall Street Journal poll, the top ten presidents in order from number one to number ten are as follows: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, James Polk, and Andrew Jackson. There are certain characteristic traits in all ten of these presidents that make them the greatest Presidents of the United States. Some of these traits are being confident, committed, and trustworthy. A great president must have confidence. To start off, the president must have confidence in himself. He has to have confidence that he can do the job, serve his country well, …show more content…

All three must be present in order to be considered one of the greatest Presidents of the United States of America. There are more characteristic traits out there that can also be found in a great president, but only the three are mentioned in this paper. All ten of the greatest Presidents of the United States has all three of these traits. They may not necessarily all be confident, committed, and trustworthy in the same manner, but they all have them in one way or another. Of course, all ten of these presidents, as all do, have flaws and made some mistakes, but that is just being human. The key is that he owns up to these mistakes and that he continues on being the President of the United States with all three of these character traits. If there are any future Presidents of the United States that wish to in the same rankings as these ten as the greatest presidents, then they will have to step up, acquire or already have these three traits, and serve this country well and to the best of their

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