Characteristics Of Planned And Unplanned Change

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Differentiate between a planned change and an unplanned change. Organizational setting, planned change is premeditated, however, unplanned change is a spur-of-the-moment. Organization development consultant work with planned changes, they play a key role in helping organization change themselves. One of the major differentiating traits of planned and unplanned change is the source of the change. Planned change comes from within the organization, usually from the management, however, unplanned change is influenced by factors outside of the organization 's control. Creative destruction, innovation, changes that affect the industry. Looking at creative destruction we need to look back in time.
In an organizational setting, planned change …show more content…

Some of the organization development concern are with the transfer of knowledge and skill is that the organization will able to manage change in the future. However, change management does not necessarily need the transfer of these skills. In short, all organization development involves change management, but change management may not involve organization development. Organization development can be distinguished from change management and organizational change. OD and change management both address the effective implementation of planned change. (Gummings, & Worley, …show more content…

Planned change comes from within the organization, usually from the management, however, unplanned change is influenced by factors outside of the organization 's control. Unplanned changed, we can look back in the days of eight track players. They were in cars, and homes. Best thing on the market. However, along came cassettes, then came CD’s. These unplanned changes cause internal changes. Manufactures had to change from making eight track players to making cassettes players, and CD’s. players. Information technology is redefining the traditional business model by changing how work is performed, how knowledge is used, and how the cost of doing business is calculated. The way an organization collects, stores, manipulates, uses, and transmits information can lower costs and increase the value and quality of products and services. Information technology is at the heart of emerging e-commerce strategies and organizations. (Gummings, & Worley,

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