Characteristics Of Financial Globalization

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Introduction Financial globalization and integration of financial markets has become one of the most discussed topics in society. The reason of this is rapid changes that have occurred in the world economy over the past decade. The ongoing global economic crisis, which showed another face of financial globalization, forced to pay attention to this phenomenon. Indeed, despite the fact that this phenomenon is generally accepted in the science, there are still major differences in the definition of financial globalization. Globalization - the world is an objective trend caused by the strengthening of international political, cultural, economic, financial, informational, technical and other relations between states at different levels. It encompasses the process of transformation of the world economy into a single market for goods, services, capital, labor and knowledge. In fact, globalization can be defined as a higher stage of the internationalization of economic life and its further development. Globalization progresses through continuous and increasing flow of financial resources. Financial capital contributes to financial globalization, not just putting it in the vanguard of globalization processes, but also plays the role of locomotive of this process. It is in the financial globalization economic globalization demonstrates itself in full extent. The aim of this work is to determine the characteristics of the processes of globalization at the present stage of economic development, consideration of the problems associated with financial globalization and the prospects for their solution. To achieve this goal , you need to solve the following problems : 1.opredelit value finance regulation of economic processes , 2.opredelit impa... ... middle of paper ... ...) funding and financial support for high-end technologies and industries based on national raw material resources ; in ) financing promising new competitive industries , trends and individual industries; g ) the financing costs associated with the development of non-industrial infrastructure , the reproduction of the labor force , improving their qualifications, the development of science , professional training and orientation of new technologies . Economic incentives through the stimulus incentive funds realized in the form of the creation of economic incentive funds within enterprises with the establishment of fund-creating ratio for their formation depending on the targets that are set by the government through fiscal policy . As benchmarks can be yield growth and profitability , growth of production , including competitive products , quality indicators , etc.

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