Characteristics Of ADHD

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Group B – ADHD Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects approximately eight per cent of children in Australia. It is believed that children with ADHD have different brain function to other children, most likely of the frontal lobe. This difference in brain function affects a number of behaviours of these children, such as; focusing their on a task and maintaining that attention, their ability to understand a particular situation, formulate a plan and carry out that plan and to modify any actions as needed. Due to these behaviours children with ADHD can have their learning severely affected. It can also affect their social and peer relationships and self-esteem. ADHD is also known to exist with other disorders such as ADHD is a disorder affecting the learning and the behaviour of the student. The exact cause of ADHD has not been established, but it is felt that genes play a part in the inheritance of ADHD. Secondly there is an under functioning of those areas of the brain that control concentration, attention and that modulate and inhibit inappropriate or irratio...

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