Character Analysis: Sorry Control Freaks

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Sorry Control Freaks The quote “Your character is what you yourself choose to make it.” is a complete lie. There are some things a human cannot control, their character trait just happens to be one of those things. Life throws us good and bad influences that shape and form us into who we are. There are true stories, there are facts and these influences will determine who you become in the future. Let me explain. There was a girl named Mindy, she was on the swim team and very successful in school but her boyfriend was the complete opposite. He did heroine and one day he jabbed her with a needle full of heroine. She grew to love the durg, she grew to need it. It got to the point where she was using it on a daily. She even got expelled from school two months before graduation because she brought three syringe and heroine with her on a senior retreat. If it weren't for her boyfriends negative influence that girl wouldn't have a care in the world. She'd be graduating with her class and not have to worry about going to an alternative school. It wasn't her choice to use heroin but from the influence she got, it became an everyday struggle and to think one little mistake could turn someone's life around. …show more content…

Stating that criminality is not inborn but instead it is caused by external factors. Contact with the world and factors such as race, age, gender, and income mold the offenders personality and actions. This theory basically states that criminals are made not born. They have to come in contact with several negative influences to finally give in. It is typically unlikely for someone to come from the ghetto or somewhere poor and deprived,and make it to be someone one with a positive impact on society. Not saying impossible I’m saying it’s

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