Character Analysis: Red Badge Of Courage

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What does it mean for someone to evolve? To me it is when that person steps up and does something out of their comfort zone. It is when that person says that is who I want to be, that is who I am going to be and then that is who I am. To begin with Henry is a young kid who want to go into battle, but doesn’t really know what he is getting into. In the book Red Badge of Courage Henry evolved so much in the book, for better or worse you’ll find out. Henry evolved when he stood up and fought for not just himself but his whole regiment, when wilson and Henry carried the flags through the battles, and last but not least when Henry got his “red badge of courage”. When Henry came back to the regiment after being lost he had gotten his “red badge of courage”. If you read the book you can tell that he had wanted a “red badge of courage” for a long time. After he got it everyone looked differently at him, he also seemed more confident. The way I see it is that this was Henry's way of coming back and making himself feel better after running away during the battle. But getting it helped him have the courage to go back to the regiment and not feel guilty. …show more content…

They were in a battle and Henry showed his true colors. When he fought back as hard as he could. Shooting, running around, towards the enemy he was acting like a total maniac. But this was when he really showed himself to the lutinuet and the other soldiers, by running straight towards the enemy with no turning back. To me that showed courage, to me that was

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