Character Analysis Of Victor Frankenstein In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, she tells the story about Victor Frankenstein who creates a creature a lot like a human being, and then abandons the creature. Victor and the creature he created are both on a quest for knowledge. However, Victor does not take responsibility for his creature, as a result it turns into a monster, as does he.
When Victor is a young child he is already enjoying and wanting to learn about science and how things work. As Victor gets older and has his own lab, he creates a creature that he obsesses over for two years. When the creature awakens and reaches out to Victor, Victor runs abandoning the creature. Victor leaves his lab and goes back to his very loving family in Geneva. Victor did not talk to his family much during his two years creating the creature, but his family still welcomed him back with open arms. A girl named Elizabeth is adopted by Victor’s parents for Victor to marry when they get old enough. Victor …show more content…

Victor is in search for more knowledge by creating the creature and the creature is in search for more knowledge by learning the ways of man-kind. Victor abandons the creature leaving him with nothing. Victor does not give the creature what he needs. The creature sees that Victor has everything and starts taking it away little by little by killing Victor’s family and his closest friends. This makes Victor become revengeful. Victor does not take responsibility for the creature. He doesn’t give the creature what he needs and this makes the creature revengeful because all he wants is to be loved, accepted, and have someone to love and Victor does not give it to him. In result of Victor not giving the creature what he needs, the creature does kill and becomes a monster. Although, the real monster in this novel is Victor because he is the one that abandons the creature again and again and only wishes him dead. Victor never sees the love and compassion that creature

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